We are a 3% brokerage on purchases.

Buyers of vacation homes require a significant amount of resources to ensure the acquisition of a property and the conveyance or set up of any business entity is property executed.

If we are representing you, the fee for our real estate and vacation home specialist services is 3% of the accepted offer price.
This fee is paid for in part or in whole by the seller. However, in some cases sellers may offer a reduced commission and should that be the case we may require you to make up any difference. This can be waived at our discretion.

It is part of our representation agreement that you may have to pay the difference at closing if the listing commission is less than 3%.
If a property you are looking at falls under 3% we will will let you know so you can adjust your offer accordingly. Alternatively we may waive the additional fee.
It is on us to notify you if there is a difference. If we do not notify you of a disparity, then you will not be charged an additional fee.
The majority of our clients pay no additional fees.

Please reach out to us to discuss if you have any questions on our brokerage fee.
We appreciate your business.

For more information on buying, management and rental potential of an Orlando vacation home, please contact us directly online via our support page or call us directly at 407.286.8170