Orlando Resort Homes For Sale By Location
Short Term Rental Approved Locations
We have selected over 40 top resorts and communities based on location, amenities, security, potential rental return and value for you to review.
You will be able to review all available properties for sale, watch resort tour video, find floor plans for many popular builders and discover general information on each location and the property therein.
We have separated them for you into groups so you can review the newer resorts, the classic resorts, condo and townhouse locations. We also have sections for new build resorts and non resort short term rental communities.
Built from 2013 onward, these resorts have better amenities and floor plans
Built from 2000 to 2007 these resorts have great value and a proven track record.
Full turn-key managed property options
Residential communities that allow short term rental
Resort designed with townhouses as only property option.
Jerry runs down the top 10 vacation home resorts.
Short Term Resorts and Communities Map